Thursday, November 5, 2009

Modern Warfare 2: GameStop's hottest seller... of all time.

A few weeks ago, I'd have taken this news in stride. After all, Call of Duty 4 was an utterly fantastic game, and the guys at Infinity Ward have made nothing but critically acclaimed stuff.

But now, after all the dumb controversy and the dedicated server fiasco and Activision's moneygrubbing, I can't help but be a bit disgusted by the fact that Modern Warfare 2 is selling like cocaine-laced hotcakes. Infinity Ward really screwed the pooch this time by giving their PC gamer fans a great big "f-you" salute... and what do they get for it? A pile of cash to swim in.

I don't mean to act the doomsayer, but I really think Modern Warfare 2's sales figures will spell the beginning of the death of PC gaming as we know it.


  1. I finally picked up the original MW, since I was sick all of last week and needed something to do (besides homework). I feel like there's something wrong with me for saying this, but it was terrible! Even if it weren't for the bone-headed decisions made by IW, I still wouldn't get MW2. The first was such a letdown after I waited so long.

  2. Nah, that's a perfectly valid opinion. It just isn't your cup of tea. I thought CoD4 was amazing, and the single player campaign had the best presentation I've seen in a video game thus far.

    And that's exactly what infuriates me about MW2. It's going to be a critical and financial success in spite of all the ridiculous decisions they've made for the PC version.

  3. I don't know, it will be interesting to see how this goes. I can't imagine a world without PC gaming, but the trend does seem to be pointing more towards consoles as the ultimate gaming systems, with PC's turning more into client workstations that just connect you to the cloud.

    It seems like more and more developers are going console-exclusive (IW, Bungie, etc.), but there still remain the stalwarts of PC gaming like Valve, and their die hard fans who cringe at the thought of playing HL2 or Left4Dead on anything but a PC. Maybe it will be up to us as the future of the industry to decide!
