Saturday, November 28, 2009

Excessive Merchandising?

So, it's no secret that Japanese RPG behemoth Square-Enix likes to create tie-in products for their Final Fantasy installments. Gamers have seen it all before: first with Final Fantasy X and then in somewhat greater force with XI Online and XII.

It stands to reason, then, that they'd go the same route with the soon-to-be-released Final Fantasy XIII. Sure enough, we've got the ever-present FF-themed soft drinks, the collectable figures, and even a pretty sweet-looking special edition PS3 console.

But good old Squeenix always has something bizarre and financially questionable in store for us. Always. This time? Perfume. Yes, friends: now you, too, can smell like a rosy, peachy, feminine video game character with this wonderful Lightning perfume.

Oh, Japan...


  1. Cool blog, I like your witty opinion on the matter at hand, provides some color to those who are not even interested in video gaming. Nice work.

  2. Not going to lie, I prefer the tie-ins that SE has given us to a majority of the other game promotions though. But perfume is something that is new. Be interesting to see if the perfume carries across the sea.

  3. You've done a great job creating a blog with commentary on topics that feel timely and immediate while also providing us with easy access to further information on other sites. Well-presented.
