Sunday, October 25, 2009

A storm is coming...

I'm trying not to have a glee-induced heart attack. It's tough, with Borderlands being released for PC tomorrow. And let's not forget all the other juicy AAA titles on the horizon: Assassin's Creed II, Dragon Age: Origins, Left 4 Dead 2, Modern Warfare 2 (which I will not be buying... thanks, Activision!)... and then there are the bombs dropping early next year: Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2, and, with any luck, StarCraft II.

Looking at that list makes me chuckle. The video game industry really is all about sequels. Oh well. It's not like I care---after all, Borderlands is about to be mine.


  1. Uncharted 2 set off the second half of the year in gaming. Borderlands and AC2 are topping my list of must completes over Christmas Break. I really wish that Blizzard would cement a definite release date for Starcraft 2 though. It's been kicked around for so many years I'm slowly losing interest.

  2. I agree, it seems Blizzard introduced Starcraft II ages ago. Though the delay is a frustration, I know Blizzard will not let us down. Every title they have come out with has been revolutionary. The title I am looking forward to the most is Diablo III, which again I feel has been way too long in the making. If you take a look at Blizzard's web page, they have an extremely long list of employment opportunities, maybe lack of staff is to blame for some of the delay?

  3. Agreed, Jeremy. Diablo III's definitely at the top of my list of things to look forward to. I just didn't mention it because I doubt we'll see it released until late 2011---at the very earliest.

    I think the employment opportunities are mostly for their new, secretive, unannounced MMO that's in the works. They've already got a complete, dedicated team for Diablo III.

  4. Bioshock was one of the greatest games ever. Besides God of War III that is my most anticipated sequel.
