Monday, September 28, 2009

The Gamer's Girl

I'm taking a break this week from my usual rambling about amazing/terrible games to point you in the direction of a pretty intriguing blog. It's actually the first of its type I've ever found: a blog created by a female gamer about interacting, living, dealing with and understanding male gamers.

If nothing else, The Gamer's Girl is an interesting look into the relationships of people who share a hobby of mine yet are surprisingly different in a few subtle ways that are entirely intuitive and thus beyond my psychological abilities to explain. All I can say is that it makes me wonder just how specific the "gamer" stereotype really is.

In other news, this year's Tokyo Game Show was abysmally underwhelming. You heard it here first!

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to actually meet a "female Gamer" as you put it. Yes Ive met girls who play games, or they play a game to be more precise, but again I have not met one who will willingly try new games that come out. I think you've stumbled upon something worth looking at and reading. It is interesting to see the parallels.
